Prepare the filling. Add all of the ingredients, except the strawberries and mint, to a medium bowl. Using a hand mixer, mix until the cream has thickened and the filling is light and fluffy. Set aside.
Prepare the crepe batter. Add the flour, sugar, and salt to a large bowl and mix them. Then, add the rest of the ingredients for the crepes to the bowl. Whisk together until everything is well blended. It should have the consistency of a thin pancake batter. Set aside.
Make the crepes. Heat a nonstick pan over medium heat. Add ¼ cup of the crepe batter into the pan. Pick the pan up and slowly swirl the pan around so that the batter spreads evenly making the crepe larger. Cook for 1 minute, flip, and cook for another 20-30 seconds. Set on a plate. Continue until you have made all of the crepes.
To assemble the crepes spread ¼ cup of the filling into the middle of each crepe. Spoon ¼ cup of strawberries on top of the filling and fold the crepe in half.
Garnish with fresh mint and serve immediately.
Other fresh berries could be used in place of the strawberries.